First week at Apple Developer Academy 👨🏻💻
My first week at the Academy was just as I expected: I would not know exactly what was going to happen on the next day, but I was certain that I was going to like it.
First of all, it was nice to know that I can unterstand English better than I thought. Just on this topic I can say that Rebecca's speech was one of the nicest things that happened this week, it reinforced to me one of the things that my friend always told me about the Academy and I hoped it was true: there's no problem on making mistakes, just be happy that you've learned with it and move on.
Oh, and I ended up realizing that I was right on my application form: I'm more of an analytical person. Even being right, I hope that I'm not at the extreme of my quadrant 😅.
Of course that we've had our fun when everyone brought three facts about themselves and we had to guess which one was false, unfortunately (or fortunately?) I'm not a good liar and mine false fact was quite easy to discover, and it wasn't the only one. Maybe people at the Academy could work as detectives as well.
And last, but not least: it was really nice to remember about the Challenge Based Learning method. This opportunity to be with people that I didn't had the change to talk yet was really great to make me feel more comfortable. At the first day of challenge I was still a little bit… not sure which word to use, but I knew that I wasn't as much helpful as I could be and at the second day I was able to change my position and it was nicer.
Unfortunately not everything was good and this was the beginning week of my final exams at the University so I didn't have much more time to give to the Academy beyond the mornings we had together. This is one of the things that I know it's necessary to change, otherwise I won't be able to fully enjoy what the Academy has to offer.
I don't want to end my first week's reflection with an "unfortunately paragraph" so I'll say that was really nice that Binder reinforced that we were selected to the Academy because the selection team saw good skills on uns. I didn't say it on my first reflection to the future me, but I was feeling a little bit of an impostor syndrome.
So I'd like to say thank you to everyone who participated in this first week. It was good and I know it'll get even better.